I also teach photography.

For more than nine years I have been helping novice photographers take their first steps in photography.

During this time, I have compiled several curricula, created dozens of presentations for lessons, delivered hundreds of hours of lectures, released more than 50 photographers, whom I now recommend to clients if I cannot take up photography myself.

I’m a mentor. I help photographers find themselves, find their style, explain to them the basics of photography, retouching, composition, color correction and positioning myself. He taught both school-age children, and senior students of technical universities, and even adults. Conducted both group classes and private lessons.

Below are some of the works of my students and detailed information about the photography course. You can see more about the learning outcomes and feedback from my students

What do I teach in my classes

The main elements of the camera how to use it

—  Helps to understand some “photoshop tricks” that are not photoshop at all

—  Lots of technique and practice from the start

Composition and genres of photography

— How to build a harmonious frame

— What are the genres of photography and what are their specifics

— Shooting in these genres as part of practical classes

Working with light

— What is light and how to control it

— How to control mixed light

— How to make a photo studio on the street

— Practice: shooting in real studio conditions with an invited model

Photo processing and retouching

—  What is color and how to make it cool

— Why Internet presets always need to be checked

— How to quickly and efficiently retouch footage

— Practice and theory go together in class

… and much more in the course of 12 lessons: about promoting and positioning yourself, working with a client, separately and a lot about reportage, about creative effects in portrait and still life, about shooting in factories and laboratories, and even about how to shoot cool on your phone!

My task after the end of the course is to make sure that my students can perform any creative (and even commercial) tasks and can start their long journey into the world of photography. And if photography remains only a hobby, then let this hobby bring only high-quality results.

You can sign up for the course, find out the details of training and the price by filling out the form below: